All of Michael Washer's books are published under the imprint of Master's Design with the exception of Living From the Inside out which was published by Tate publishing. He has proven to be a voice in both religious and secular realms. His writing is sometimes deeply heartfelt, sometimes academic, sometimes bitingly sarcastic or sublimely simple. But it is always very clear, well-researched with a fascinating perspective.
Though Michael Washer is an artist, the Pictures book has nothing to do with Art. It is Chapter 1 of the "big book": "When all the Pictures Are Restored" seen below. The Pictures book has been re-edited and redesigned with more content, and, in a larger size (6 x 9).
Heaven and God--spiritual things--are not hard to understand, they are impossible! But Judaism was given as a "culture" designed by God as a set of "Pictures", "shadows" or metaphors of every heavenly or spiritual thing. If we examine that shadow we can gain understanding of what is impossible to comprehend in any other way.
The repeating patterns in the Bible taken together, form a shadow cast by the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). This book tackles every scriptural argument that has kept many from knowing God as He truly is because those shadows have been removed from the body of Messiah. It is not obeying "laws" that get us closer to God, it is the stories, prophecies, shadows and metaphors in those "laws" that preach to us about God. This book teaches us how to hear those ancient voices spoken by the "commandments" and how to find freedom; how to look at ourselves and come to know God as He truly is.
232 pages............................20.00
And, as seen here the Pictures book is now available with full color illustrations in 6 x 9 .
232 pages 7 color ill.........29.00
Now available in Kindle format and paperback through Amazon at this link
Companion to “PICTURES Biblical Judaism as metaphors of all Heavenly Things”
Newly re-edited with more content and redesigned in 6 x 9 format. In both Judaism and Christianity there is a mythology: the belief that both the words “obedience” (obey) and “commandments” are biblical words. Israel was told to “LISTEN (sh’ma) to the “set-up things” (mitzvot), not to “OBEY the commandments”. They were told to listen to the acts of Judaism themselves: things they were to create, events on a calendar; feasts and fasts, and sights and sounds. This amazing Plan of God has never changed. Scriptural proof that the one who listens to the mitzvot has been promised “The Blessing”. Not physical prosperity or health or wealth, but that thing we all desire: the Knowledge of God in which God shares His deep, and astounding secrets with us.
100 pages..............20.00
Now available in Kindle format and paperback through Amazon at this link
This book is Michael Washer's life work. In it, the entire cycle of the Jewish calendar year is examined in detail. Beginning with the philosophy of "Pictures", then the Calendar, Sabbath, Day of the Lord (the Kingdom) and the New Moon.
The Spring Festivals are examined: Passover, Hag ha Matzah & First Fruits & into the counting of the Omer with a wonderful teaching on the "5 gifts".
Then Summer with Shavuot, and the magnificence of the giving of both the Law and the Spirit on the same day; (the fast of) 17th of Tammuz; Bein ha-M'tzarim and (the fast of) ninth of Av.
Fall comes with the month of Elul & then the most important day of the year: Rosh ha Shana. Then Yom Kippur and the end of the season with Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.
The depth of winter arrives with a very challenging chapter on Hannukah where the false messiah is revealed, the (fast of) the Tenth of Tevet, then Tu B'Shevat (the new year for trees). The year wraps up with the craziness of Purim.
There is a bonus chapter called "His Coming" that shatters the myth of "no man knows the day or the hour..." There are multiplied thousands of correlations in which Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and the details of God's Plan can be seen in Judaism. Nothing like this volume on the market.
1060 pages..........85.00
The typesetting and layout is easy to read as well as beautiful and features:
-Explanatory notes in side margins
-Over 100 original Illustrations
-Photos, charts, and graphs
-Documentation from Jewish
sources throughout
This Messianic Haggadah is a "Pictures" Haggadah. That means that the many activities, foods and rituals of the Jewish festival of Passover is shown to be a set of "pictures" or metaphors of spiritual things.
There are 15 steps in the ancient "Seder" or Passover meal. And this Haggadah not only includes all of them, but shows and explains how each of them is a prophecy in miniature of Yeshua (Jesus). Every minute detail of Yeshua's atoning sacrifice as the "lamb of God", and the all-important "matzah" or unleavened bread are revealed as Pictures of Yeshua and God's Body--Israel.
Richly illustrated and full color throughout, with beautiful typesetting and layout, this Hagaddah is easy to follow and helps elevate the spirituality of the Seder meal and increase its joy.
65 pages..........27.70 Bundle of 10.....210.00 Shipping .......12.00 Shipping for bundle....18.00
Full color throughout, this gorgeous product features:
-Explanitory notes with historical and messianic background on many sections.
-Messianic Fulfillment sections throughout
-Full Hebrew with transliteration for many of the prayers and statements
-Over 30 original Illustrations
-Instructions throughout
-All 15 steps included
This book took more than 25 years to develop, but it answers with clarity God's Plan for all of human history. Some 4,000 years ago, Rebecca suffered with 2 boys wrestling in her womb. One was Esav/Edom, and one was Jacob/Israel. One was loved by God and the other was hated by God--the only person God ever said that He hated by name! In the Jewish writings Esav/Edom was a Picture of the Kingdom of Rome, or "Christianity", which has ruled the earth for 2000 years. Jacob/Israel is a Picture of God's Kingdom or the Messianic Kingdom in which God will rule the earth. Why has this wresting match continued for four millennia? What was God's Plan in this? What will be its ultimate outcome? This archetypal story answers almost every question that comes to mankind from reading the Bible.
238 pages............................25.00
Taking more then 20 years to develop, this amazing book tackles the ultimate questions of In this book, the author examines the evidence in the Sriptures from a Jewish perspective to show that the Gospel has been around since it was “preached to Abraham”. The Gospel as it was presented by Paul the Apostle (“Rabbi Sha’ul”) is very different from the Gospel as it has been and is currently taught, presented and preached in our day. So what is the Gospel--or more importantly--what was the Gospel to ancient Israelis? The author shows that the Gospel was seen only in the ways of Israel - that is, in “Judaism”, and further, that nothing has changed in this Plan of God even after Yeshua (Jesus) came. The key to its message, is seen in Zion, or Jerusalem, that mountain of the Temple shouting its message to the world. But there was also a strange, and hidden mystery in the Gospel--its ultimate truth that tore first century Israel apart. It is a story of the wrong person in the wrong place, at the wrong time being INVITED into the very presence of God! Only if we follow the story of the Gospel from beginning to end, is it possible to discover the amazing and challenging Jewish truth of THE GOSPEL.
140 pages............................20.00
--Did you know that the Torah was given on the Jewish festival called Shavuot
&1,500 years later, God poured out His Holy Spirit on the very same Festival?
--Did you now that Abraham did Judaism 430 years before the Torah was given,
& that it was the Holy Spirit that taught him to do it?
--Did you know that Israel is God’s Vine, & Yeshua (Jesus) called Himself the
Vine - thus making Israel and Yeshua the same; mirrors of one another?
These are just a portion of 7 biblical witnesses that reveal an astounding truth. The
Torah & the Holy Spirit are one and the same! By doing and looking at Judaism as metaphors
or Pictures of all things heavenly, both Christians and Jews can come together as “one new man”.
129 pages, 5 color illus...25.00
“ each one of us a Gift was given... And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, and some as
evangelists; some as pastors and teachers...” In this book, the author explains this passage from its original Jewish context of a yearly time period called “Counting of the Omer” or “Filling of the Measure”. During these “seven perfect weeks”, five processes were done to prepare and refine the grain to fill one “Omer” daily. By examining these processes, we can discover our own gift that God gave to each one of us, and then, recognize the gift that God gave to others, appreciate them, and receive them in their Gift.
Drawing on years of study and decades of experience the author explains all 5 Gifts; their attributes and details; strengths and weaknesses and how we can work together to grow personally.
142 pages...............20.00
The first in a series of books I am writing to shatter the most commonly held myths in the "Christian" world, these books are resources to help restore the Jewish root to the Believers world. This challenging book exposes the historical, factual basis to show that the image of "JesusChrist" is actually the image of the false messiah--an image born in Hellenism (the way of the Greek). It is impossible to overstate the effects of Hellenism on the "Church", and this book reveals this insidious anti-Jewish force and how it transformed Yeshua the Jewish Messiah into the Greek idealized god-man, and how this mythology removed Judaism from God's Jewish Body.
89 pages, ..................15.00
The eternal story of the Messiah from both tribes of Priest and King. Buried in the vast tome of Scripture is an easily overlooked event. It was however a seminal moment in history. A High Priest sat on a throne, and was crowned with one crown... and then another. This was something that Jews just did not do! This book reveals why this was such an amazing, prophetic event.
For millenia Christians have asserted: "Jesus is our high priest". Similarly it has been said that Jesus is our King, from the tribe of Judah. However in this book, the author traces the entire historical span of Scripture from before the exodus to the Messianic kingdom to come, revealing what seems to have been universally overlooked.
Over and over Scripture records a seemingly forbidden intermarriage between the heads of the tribe of Levi and Judah. And over and over this Judah-Levi link seems to have been protected by God.
You are invited to enjoy a strange and amazing journey throughout Scripture to see the role and reality of the Messiah Yeshua revealed in a way you never have before.
138 pages............15.00
A Conservative rabbi who wants to find out about Jesus? Michael Kasner is just asking for trouble! Soured by the assimilated Judaism of his family, he leaves for New York to become a conservative rabbi. Finding that it's not so easy to leave Spanish and the desert, he returns to the Southwest to find hidden "Marrano" Jews. There, he meets and marries one of them. It is her angst that drives the rabbi to "find out about Jesus", but discovering how Jesus fits into history's puzzle becomes a maddening task as he is confused by mashugas at every turn. Then, visited from the Other Side by a long-passed realtive who torments and challenges him, he undertakes a journey to solve a four-generations old spiritual crime. On top of all this, he wants to recreate original, ancient Judaism calling it "Face to Face" which leads him to discover how to live from the inside out. It all gets wildly out of hand, driving many of the rabbi's personal problems to the surface, but the spiritual pursuits that so long evaded his grasp become the unexpected tools that both solve the spiritual crime and help him and his friends find freedom. Part theology, part love story, part theater of the absurd, it is hilarious, poignant and spiritually challenging.
449 pages..........20.00
This is a gritty, humorous novel populated with strange characters that can only be found in the border region of Mexico and Texas . The only Jewish element is the main character, a Jew who knows nothing of Judaism or spirituality. It is a tale about morality, ethics and truth, and the struggle to hang onto these against the backdrop of one of the most violent cities in the hemisphere, nestled next to one of the safest cities of its size in America. At the University of Texas, El Paso, the daughter of one of El Paso’s most well-loved figures has been murdered, and it may have been committed by Treffert Resting -- he does not remember committing the violent act, but he could have; all the clues, including a pair of tennis shoes point to him. As his life unravels, Treffert tries to clear his name, or find himself condemned. Neither matter though, as he is stuck in the insane maze of Mexico’s drug, sex, violence, lies and theft. But something broils behind the scenes as he is caught between countries fleeing away from--and also toward--his own end.
286 pages..........20.00
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